Arwine Cemetery
Arwine Cemetery is the oldest cemetery in the HEB (Hurst, Euless, Bedford) area. It’s a private cemetery supported by family members. There is no guarantee of a burial plot and “proof of kinship” maybe required and the final decision is at the discretion of the ACA Board. Please come out to our picnic at the cemetery during September of each year and bring the younger generation as well. We invite all relatives to attend our meetings and work days and if you know of someone who would like to serve on the board please email [email protected]
The Arwine Cemetery Association (ACA) is funded by small burial fees and donations. If you haven’t see the iron fence surrounding the burial grounds come out and look. It’s very nice and was provided by donations of family and friends. The Pavilion was build several years ago by the kind donation of Georgia (Reeves) Duncan who at 101 years old today continues to support the Association.
Front Entrance Video
Click Here to see the front entrance area! (Note: This will download to your computer and may take a minute or so – check your download folder)
Side Area Video
Click Here to see the front entrance area! (Note: This will download to your computer and may take a minute or so – check your download folder)
Contact Us!
This cemetery has a rich history dating back to 1879 in northeast Tarrant County area! Please contact us if you can provide this website additional information pertaining to any family buried at Arwine Cemetery.